For this article, I will try to write it in English...For some reason, and after a challenge, I go for it....
First of all, from deep of my heart, I apologize to all of you because I'm using broken English and if there is mistake in this post. Please, do not blame me, and feel free to write any comment.... :-)
FELDA existed since decades ago..I felt sad, if they’re lived in poverty meanwhile some of them are very rich today.

Why is it happened?
I believe they’re many of people out there succeeded to live comfortly because they’re put extra efforts in their life. They know, in this world especially in Malaysia we can’t rely 100% to govt although there are subsidies, special rights and some provisions because anything can happen.
I thought we can’t blame govt 100%. Maybe some of the reasons caused by ‘peneroka’ themselves. Yes, I agreed if govt unable to provide basic infra to them, but at the same time, they’ve to struggle in order to exit from poverty trapped.
Govt of Malaysia and Felda itself had provide huge resources and not even basic infra, but super infra..Its belong to 'Peneroka' and their families to grab and use it. Don't rely to anybody to feed you, you must feed yourselves....
In the scheme, only 2 or 3 families trapped in this dungeon of poverty. How we can say, its all govt fault? if 200 familes, YES, I also will blame the govt and Felda....They are not work hard enough to come out from this trapped...
Its already 25 years and some scheme its more since the arrival of 'peneroka' 25 years, they are still living in the same house build by Felda, no change at all and even the wooden stairs is still the same. How we can help them? for them new houses, or give them money, or maybe we can give them extra prices for their rubber and oil palm??????
Remember, all of them living in the same area, same factory, same commodity prices, same manager...with another 300++ 'peneroka', they also got same 10 acres of plantation each....!!!!!!!
Then come the politicians....when they visit to the scheme, and saw all of this, they will give, house loan, and even money for them...For what?? they don't want to change themselves, and other people come wanted to change them ??? Its not possible.....
Please....stand on your them by give them knowledge and motivational....not money....Knowledge is the main weapon to fight poverty...Govt and Felda, must make a stand on this problem...because of two or three families, the other 'peneroka' are not satisfied....PLEASE.....
okay la ye....teruk bahasa aku ni....konon2 nya nak tulis dalam English....tapi broken english bolehla..
Hahahaha....Nanti aku nak cuba dalam bahasa arab pulak...adala belaja sikit2 tulis arab.....
Salam muhibbah dan salam 1 Felda....
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